Stereochemistry Examples

Example 1. Red represents absolute stereochemistry for chiral center 1. Blue represents a group of chiral centers (2, 3, and 4) that are absolute to each other, but relative to chiral center 1. This representation is equivalent to diastereoisomers SRRS and SSSR.


Example 2. Red represents absolute stereochemistry for chiral centers 1 and 2. Blue represents a group of chiral centers (3 and 4) that are absolute to each other, but relative to chiral centers 1 and 2. This representation is equivalent to diastereoisomers SRRS and SRSR.


Example 3. Red represents absolute stereochemistry for chiral center 1. Blue represents a group of chiral centers (2 and3) that are absolute to each other, but relative to chiral centers 1 and 4. This representation is equivalent to diastereoisomers SRRS, SRRR, SSSS and SSSR.



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