Spectrum Pane Pop-Up Menu

The Spectrum Pane pop-up menu appears when you right click anywhere in the Spectrum pane:

Choose Zoom Out to undo the last zoom command.

Choose View Default Region or press Ctrl+1 to view the default spectral region.

Choose View Entire Spectrum or press Ctrl+0 to restore the spectrum to its original size.

Choose Selection Mode or press Ctrl+L to activate the Selection cursor.

Choose Horizontal Zoom Mode or press Ctrl+R to zoom horizontally

Choose Box Zoom Mode to zoom both horizontally and vertically.

Choose Pan Mode or press Ctrl+M to move displayed spectra by dragging them.

Choose Copy to place a copy of the current spectrum in the Windows Clipboard.

Choose Edit Properties to open the Spectrum Properties dialog box, which allows you to customize how items are displayed in the Spectrum Pane.