Selection Methods

The ReportIt application includes both Selection and Lasso tools (if the Structure toolbar is active). Use the Selection tool to edit and manipulate whole objects. Use the Lasso tool to select parts of structures (atoms, bonds, labels etc).  

Selection Tool

There are two ways to use the Selection tool:

The number of objects selected can be extended without deselecting the current selection. To extend the selection, hold the Shift key down and click on or drag over additional objects. You can also use the Shift key to deselect one object from a set of many selected objects.

When an object has been selected, graphic handles appear at the corners and sides of the object.

To select every object in a document, choose Edit > Select All.

Lasso Tool

Use the Lasso tool as you would a pencil to select points or bonds. Drag a circle around the points you want to select. Lasso-selected points are indicated by square frames around each atom or label.

Another easy way to select points is to click on them with the Lasso tool. Hold the Shift key down and click on additional points to extend the selection. Do the same to deselect one atom from a group of selected atoms. To deselect all atoms, click in an empty part of the drawing area or on another tool. To lasso-select the entire structure, double click on any hit box with the Lasso tool.

In addition to clicking on and dragging around points to lasso select them, you may also drag using a selection rectangle. To display a selection rectangle with the Lasso tool, hold the Ctrl key down and drag over the desired atoms. Only the atoms that are within the rectangle will be selected when you release the mouse button.