
Choose the Annotation tool (by default on the Main and Text sections of the Drawing toolbar) to display tools for annotating your drawing. The Annotation toolbar opens at the right edge of the drawing area.

Click any button in the toolbar image below to learn about its function.

The four Note End tools control the border around the annotation text. The choices are:

no border (represented by the dashed rectangle)
rounded rectangle

The five Connection Line tools control the line connecting the annotation text with the object. The choices are:

no graphic (dashed line)
one, two, or three segment line
Bezier curve 

The four Object End tools control the border around the annotated object. The choices are:

no border (dashed square)


Unlike a text box, which can be placed anywhere on the page independently, an annotation is directly associated with an object.

Invisible annotation graphics are displayed with a dashed line, except when you copy or print the document.