The Drawing Area pop-up menu appears when you right click anywhere in the ReportIt application's drawing area:
Choose Cut or press Ctrl+X to cut selected objects or text and place them in the Windows Clipboard.
Choose Copy or press Ctrl+C to place a copy of selected objects or text in the Windows Clipboard.
Choose Paste or press Ctrl+V to insert the contents of the Windows Clipboard into the active document or workspace.
Choose Undo or press Ctrl+Z to undo the last operation.
Choose Arrange > Bring to Front | Send to Back to change an object's layer.
Choose Arrange > Group | Ungroup to combine or separate objects.
Choose Align > Left | Top | Right | Bottom | Centered Horizontally | Centered Vertically to change the alignment of selected objects.
Choose Import > Spectrum | Structure | 3D Structure to place a new object in the drawing area.
Choose Object Properties or press Alt+Enter to open the Object Properties dialog box.